From Dime-Co.Com

Affiliate Success
The best affiliate marketing opportunities!
By Ankita
Nov 4, 2008 - 1:18:09 PM

You’re at the threshold of the very exciting and often overwhelming world of affiliate marketing. You have visions of incoming big checks and you dream of doing what many others are doing. But wait, you encounter a slight problem. You don’t know which are the products that will propel you swiftly towards achieving your dreams. There’re so many companies out there ,each with a sales pitch so enticing that the beginner’s mind and heart is tagged every which way.It would be like walking down a road that suddenly splintered into many branches, each promising to take the traveler to his dreamed of destination. It would be easy to just pick any program, but the trouble is, the one that’s picked in this random manner may very well turn out to be a bad choice. How then should the beginner determine which are the ones suitable for him, and likely to bring him the wealth he dreams of. The key, as is often the case with most other things in life, is to learn from the experiences of those who have gone before. And those who have gone before would probably teach four main lessons to the beginner on how to determine the affiliate program best for them.
Four lessons on How to Find the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs
Lesson #1: Study reviews of the programs before attempting them
it seems the logical thing to do, but quite often this part is ignored. Reviews are usually written by people who’ve tried the program or have had some experience of it. Reviews say a lot about a program, for more detail visit and so it's important to read them before you make the decision of whether or not to try them. Some reviews may be biased, but if the majority of them for a particular program are negative, then it may be a good idea to stay away from that program. To find reviews, simply go to Google and type in the name of the program followed by “reviews”. As long as the program isn’t new, you should be able to find many.

Lesson #2: Make sure the program is about something you have an interest in.
It may be an exercise in futility to try to promote a program you have absolutely no interest in. Your disinterest would show in your writing. Your heart and mind may only be very superficially engaged when penning the words promoting the product. And your potential customer will probably sense this- maybe through the choice of words, or sentence structure, or layout. There are innumerable instinctual ways of detecting disinterest. It’ll be much like having no interest in your date. So it’s a good idea to go with programs you have an interest in, the deeper and more passionate the interest the better.
Lesson #3: Make sure the products are popular, but not yet saturated with affiliate marketers. Look at the current success of the program. Promote products that are popular or somewhat popular but not overly saturated with affiliate marketers. If the program is saturated with marketers then you may find yourself just a tiny drop in a sea of marketers all seriously competing with each other promoting the product. For more detail visit in a case of over saturation, it may be a good idea to look for another product. But if the product is popular, and there are only a handful or few hundreds promoting it, then it would be worthwhile jumping onboard. With less competition, you’ll probably get more sales.

Lesson #4: How much do I earn? As you’ll be the one doing most of the promotional work for the product publisher, you should get a fair share of the sales. A fair share should be somewhere between 40%-50%. Stay away from programs that offer only 30% or less.

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