Meaning'>">Meaning of Life</a>

Do you have the real Meaning of Life?
If you don't have it, your life is meaningless.
What is the real Meaning of Life?

No more anxiety when you find the True Meaning of Life.

"I want to find something exciting in my life."
"What is it?"
Will you know the one thing to do that will wash away all the regrets at the moment you die?
This is the Meaning of Life.
Now, people enjoy wealth and comfort unheard of in centuries past. Medical and scientific advances mean that we live longer and have a greater ability to change and control our environment to suit our needs. But have these advances really brought greater happiness?

Now, what will satisfy you completely?

"I think it's money,"
"Fame. I want to be famous,"
"I want to have my soul mate."
There are all common answers. But they are all WRONG.
Certainly, these are important in life, but these are not lasting happiness, the ultimate Meaning of Life!
However if you can't know the ultimate Meaning of Life,
you will spend your time and money only on fleeting happiness,
Your life will be over quickly, and you will say finally: "What was my life all about??"

The shocking reality about life

Throughout the 20th century, science made rapid strides, becoming the most powerful tool in history, and yet was used to carry out unprecedented mass murders and ultimately yto threaten the destruction of the human race itself. I think You know that we can know the Meaning of Life through science or politics or economics or ...and so on. World's Most economic growth in Japan, GDP had increased 6 times from 1956 to 1991 But, Life satisfaction had not changed. In USA,GDP had increased 2.5 times and Life satisfaction had fallen. How to spend your life without regret in the death bed? How to get the deeply satisfaction about life.

You can NEVER replay your own life.

If you cannot find it in your lifetime, your life is a meaningless one. In addition, the little difference of your philosophy about life causes the bigger difference of a your destiny year by year. In "The 7 habits of Highly Effective People", it is said that:

How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most. If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. We may be very busy. We may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we begin with the end in mind. ("The 7 habits of Highly Effective People")

So, the time passes more and more. It is not reparable more and more. It is never possible to return to the past. If you cannot find the Meaning of Life, you will think in the fall of life, that;
"I want to return in those days."
But it is useless. You cannot return at all. Then, where on earth is the answer of the real Meaning of Life?
Philippa Foot, professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of Calfornia, Los Angeles, wrote in "Moral Relativism" that
she knows of no philosopher who has ever been able to explain the value of human life.
Oh! It's Meaning of Life!
Reading hundreds of philosophy books would bring us no closer to an answer.
But,to tell the truth, there is the true answer of the Meaning of Life in this site.
We would like to share the following content with the public.


Chapter 1.
Why almost everyone is wrong about the Meaning of Life?

1. If your life view is wrong, your life will be confused!
2. What is the matter we really must solve?
3. What is the Ultimate Meaning of Life?

Chapter 2.
5 facts you must know about why you can never be happy.

1. Why does your happiness NOT last?
2. Why is there NO real goal in your life?
3. Why no matter how rich you become, you cannot be satisfied?
4. Will you regret the moment of death?
5. What is real happiness?

Chapter 3.
How to avoid the 5 biggest mistakes about Life
There are a lot of lies in common sense about the Meaning of Life.

1. Is the meaning of life just finding a hobby?
2. Is the meaning of life love?
3. Is the meaning of life Volunteering?
4. Is the meaning of life just doing what you want to do?
5. Can the meaning of life differ from person to person?

Chapter 4.
How to be happy even if you have nothing.

1. Can you accept death as your 100% future?
2. The truth about your death
3. How to transform all suffering to joy without effort

Chapter 5.
Only one way to find the ultimate Meaning of Life.

<a href="Meaning'>">Meaning of Life</a>

"> Meaning'>">Meaning of Life</a>

Do you have the real Meaning of Life?
If you don't have it, your life is meaningless.
What is the real Meaning of Life?

No more anxiety when you find the True Meaning of Life.

"I want to find something exciting in my life."
"What is it?"
Will you know the one thing to do that will wash away all the regrets at the moment you die?
This is the Meaning of Life.
Now, people enjoy wealth and comfort unheard of in centuries past. Medical and scientific advances mean that we live longer and have a greater ability to change and control our environment to suit our needs. But have these advances really brought greater happiness?

Now, what will satisfy you completely?

"I think it's money,"
"Fame. I want to be famous,"
"I want to have my soul mate."
There are all common answers. But they are all WRONG.
Certainly, these are important in life, but these are not lasting happiness, the ultimate Meaning of Life!
However if you can't know the ultimate Meaning of Life,
you will spend your time and money only on fleeting happiness,
Your life will be over quickly, and you will say finally: "What was my life all about??"

The shocking reality about life

Throughout the 20th century, science made rapid strides, becoming the most powerful tool in history, and yet was used to carry out unprecedented mass murders and ultimately yto threaten the destruction of the human race itself. I think You know that we can know the Meaning of Life through science or politics or economics or ...and so on. World's Most economic growth in Japan, GDP had increased 6 times from 1956 to 1991 But, Life satisfaction had not changed. In USA,GDP had increased 2.5 times and Life satisfaction had fallen. How to spend your life without regret in the death bed? How to get the deeply satisfaction about life.

You can NEVER replay your own life.

If you cannot find it in your lifetime, your life is a meaningless one. In addition, the little difference of your philosophy about life causes the bigger difference of a your destiny year by year. In "The 7 habits of Highly Effective People", it is said that:

How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most. If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. We may be very busy. We may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we begin with the end in mind. ("The 7 habits of Highly Effective People")

So, the time passes more and more. It is not reparable more and more. It is never possible to return to the past. If you cannot find the Meaning of Life, you will think in the fall of life, that;
"I want to return in those days."
But it is useless. You cannot return at all. Then, where on earth is the answer of the real Meaning of Life?
Philippa Foot, professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of Calfornia, Los Angeles, wrote in "Moral Relativism" that
she knows of no philosopher who has ever been able to explain the value of human life.
Oh! It's Meaning of Life!
Reading hundreds of philosophy books would bring us no closer to an answer.
But,to tell the truth, there is the true answer of the Meaning of Life in this site.
We would like to share the following content with the public.


Chapter 1.
Why almost everyone is wrong about the Meaning of Life?

1. If your life view is wrong, your life will be confused!
2. What is the matter we really must solve?
3. What is the Ultimate Meaning of Life?

Chapter 2.
5 facts you must know about why you can never be happy.

1. Why does your happiness NOT last?
2. Why is there NO real goal in your life?
3. Why no matter how rich you become, you cannot be satisfied?
4. Will you regret the moment of death?
5. What is real happiness?

Chapter 3.
How to avoid the 5 biggest mistakes about Life
There are a lot of lies in common sense about the Meaning of Life.

1. Is the meaning of life just finding a hobby?
2. Is the meaning of life love?
3. Is the meaning of life Volunteering?
4. Is the meaning of life just doing what you want to do?
5. Can the meaning of life differ from person to person?

Chapter 4.
How to be happy even if you have nothing.

1. Can you accept death as your 100% future?
2. The truth about your death
3. How to transform all suffering to joy without effort

Chapter 5.
Only one way to find the ultimate Meaning of Life.

<a href="Meaning'>">Meaning of Life</a>
