If you have a criminal conviction you can still insure your home with criminal conviction insurance - When it comes to taking out insurance on your property, there can be certain issues that arise for those who have a criminal conviction. In the last few years it has become more and more difficult for these people to find a policy from any insurer that treats them fairly and equally.
If you have a criminal conviction you can still insure your home with criminal conviction insurance
By Daniel Crow
May 21, 2013 - 9:46:53 AM
When it comes to taking out insurance on your property, there can be certain issues that arise for those who have a criminal conviction. In the last few years it has become more and more difficult for these people to find a policy from any insurer that treats them fairly and equally.
However, there are now solutions that are aimed at helping those who have criminal records lead normal lives if they choose to do so. Depending on the seriousness of the offence, they will have the chance to choose from a select few companies who will be able to assist when it comes to home policies. In addition to this, cases may well be assessed on an individual basis. Sometimes, if the person involved was convicted of something relatively minor, this might work to your advantage. There is no guarantee but some companies will give you a policy if it has nothing do with property as far as crime or an offence is concerned. Many companies are far more likely to offer you a policy if you have committed a motor-related offence or something similar.
Meanwhile you should take into consideration the fact that companies who look after policies deal with risk. In this way, they will have no choice but to look at how much of a risk you might be - you must be prepared to reveal the truth as the majority of companies need to know that they will be able to trust you for as long as you are on one of their policies. They may well be able to check police records, so there's nothing to be gained by holding anything back.
However, do not let this put you off seeking someone who may be able to assist you with your policy needs. There are a host of companies out there who will be able to deal with both content and building matters when it comes to criminal conviction insurance. However there are other policies which you will need to consider whether you are a convicted felon or not. This includes the likes of underpinned insurance. What is underpinned insurance? It relates to the foundations of your property which may have been reinforced in a bid to prevent the effects of ground subsidence, which can make it difficult to find affordable insurance.
The easiest way of finding the most affordable insurance (you could go through each provider's website but that would probably take you most of the week) is to use an insurance price comparison website. They're rife throughout the internet, and they simply require you to input the kind of things you're looking for in an insurance deal and press the Send button. The website then combs through all of the deals currently being advertised online to find the ones that meet your criteria and brings them back to you so you can assess them for their suitability. It's a free service and it couldn't be easier to use - the bigger names are probably the more reliable, so stick to the ones that have their own television adverts. You can also find other types of insurance in this way, so get yourself online and see what comes up and how much you can save.
Visit for more info : http://www.hardtoinsure.co.uk/
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