Soccer Coaching Tips- Make Sure You Teach More Than Soccer - Do you coach soccer or do you call yourself a soccer coach? Believe it or not, there is a big difference. Before you pull your hair out read the following.
Soccer Coaching Tips- Make Sure You Teach More Than Soccer
By Thomas K
Dec 15, 2009 - 10:45:37 AM
Soccer coaches today are a dime a dozen. Just because someone calls themselves a soccer coach doesn't necessarily mean they are one. So how do you know if your child's coach is a good one?
Before you commit to a team or a coach make sure you pay close attention to the players already in the team. Are they happy? Are they enjoying their soccer and having fun? Are they learning the fundamentals of the game?
If you cannot answer yes to the following questions then you must question the suitability of the coach and the team environment. Why would you expose your child to this environment? Remember coaches are a dime a dozen, make sure you select the right coach from the beginning.
Does the coach look professional and does he maintain a clean appearance? If the coach doesn't look the part, chances are he doesn't share the passion and love for the game. To look the part is easy; a new tracksuit with clean boots is all it takes. If the coach doesn't care about his appearance and stature, there's a good chance that he couldn't care less about his players or your children. It's harsh but it's the truth.
Does the coach smile and make his players smile? Is the environment a friendly one? I've never met anyone that puts in a greater effort under a spirit of criticism than under a spirit of approval. I've never known anyone to complain about receiving too much positive feedback. Have you? If the coach can't manage a smile then he should not participate in the game of soccer, full stop!
So before you rush out and register your children to soccer take the time to assess the coach and the spirit of the team. Just because a club or coach is close to your home doesn't make it the right choice for your children. Take your time in choosing because there's a lot at stake, don't you think?
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